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Dr. Fred Freeman invited me onto the 13 Disc Set of "The Complete Songs of Robert Burns". I had never thought do try Burns songs to any great degree before this. (1996) However, my renditions were receiving a lot of attention. I asked Linn Records if I could lift my tracks and record 4 more to make my own Robert Burns CD. They agreed. It was placed at No 2 of the all time best Robert Burns albums by The Scotsman Newspaper. (Damn that Rod Paterson for being Number One.) I'm told it's one of my best too. It's opened many doors for me. Thank you.

Alloway Tales CD - Ian Bruce

  • Just don't return 'em. If ya don't like 'em..TOUGH! If it arrives bust buy another one!! I AM ONLY JOKING!.

    Let me know as soon as it arrives if it's damaged and I'll get another one to you. I trust you. I really don't need a broken one sent back.
    I hope you really do like the album! Ian

  • I ship these CD personally. They are sent first class in jiffy bags. I do not charge for packaging but I ask the standard British postal costs from here. My apologies. It can be quite expensive but I do not make up the prices nor profiteer on them. Thanks. Ian

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